When a crime such as a murder or a traumatic situation such as a suicide takes place in Telford, Shrewsbury or Wolverhampton it is down to the family to bring the area to a state that is safe for living or sale of the property.
When this happens it can be too much for the family to deal with and often they are left at a loss as to what to do, how to do it and the standard it needs to be completed to.
At Shropshire Expert Cleaners we are experienced in dealing with bodily fluid, waste and emergency cleaning services and have the advanced technology used in hospitals and clinics to perform a very high level of disinfection removing stains, microscopic dangers. We are also able to treat crime scene and suicide events.
When choosing a suitable company there are many things to take into consideration:
Ensuring they or the the cleaning company use for waste disposal have a valid waste disposal licence, insurance and legal paperwork to transport and dispose of biohazardous materials - otherwise fines and even prison sentences may be in order.
Ensuring they or the company have an upper tier waste transfer license to ensure they are qualified to carry bio hazardous waste - you can check ours at the bottom of this page.
Ensuring the company has good references and relevant insurance - we perform infection control services this for Harper Adams University, Shropshire Council and The National Trust to name a few.
Ensuring the company has experience in knowing how bodily fluids, bacteria and air borne pathogens and germs work, then how to kill them - we performed treatments on over 1,300 COVID positive rooms during the pandemic!
Ensure the company understands the international disinfectant standard... ask them which LOG disinfectant they use! If they have no idea or use LOG 1,2 or 3 - this is not good enough. We use LOG 5 and LOG 6 - ensure they understand how they are tested as well.
Why not give us a call today and see how we can help you and your family in your time of need.
Shropshire Expert Cleaners LTD
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