Our standard of end of tenancy cleaning in Telford & Shrewsbury is rated & reviewed at 5*! In fact, the lowest rating we have ever received for an end of tenancy review in Telford & Shrewsbury was 4*.
This is because we do our best to ensure before we even quote that we understand the expectations a customer has and work to deliver it.
As standard in the industry cleaning companies generally spray, wipe and dry surfaces however we pre-spray, scrub, rinse, wipe, dry and the polish surfaces giving a sparkling finish and genuine in depth clean.
Doors + door frames - Prespray, scrub, rinse, wipe, dry and polish.
Windows + frames + handles - Prespray, scrub, rinse, wipe, dry and polish.
Skirting boards + radiators - Prespray, scrub, rinse, wipe, dry and polish.
Hard furnishings - scrub, wipe and dry.
Wall mounted controls (sockets + switches etc) - Prespray, scrub, rinse, wipe, dry and polish.
Carpeted areas - HEPA hoovering cross hatch method hoovers carpets four different directions to ensure pile thoroughly cleaned.
Hard floor - hot disinfection mopping + 4.5 barr pressure floor steaming.
Additional services include professional carpet cleaning, wall scrubbing and specialist cleaning requirements.
To learn about more specialist cleaning requirements such as after death, section 21, disease control and mould removal view our other blogs - we also certify them afterwards.
We customise each end of tenancy clean in Telford, Shrewsbury & Wolverhampton so we do not quote over the phone but provide a free visit and comprehensive quotation.
When you want the best service in the area, give us a call on 07462 479 576