Death is a very sad event and we understand how painful it can be. As a specialist cleaning company we are not only experts and professionals when it comes to advising you but also caring when it comes to how you feel.
If you are dealing with a property that has not been cared for a long time, please do not feel embarrassed, we have seen almost everything there is to see and our number one priority is simply to help you in your time of need - we will even provide protective clothing for up to two people if we are both viewing it for the first time together.
With this in mind we wanted to put a small blog together to let you know a little more about how we deal with after death cleaning scenarios and indeed, whether you need one.
In the cleaning profession specialist operators breakdown deaths into the two following main categories:
Expected/ Attended - This is where you know that death will occur soon. With this scenario you may be able to give notice to us so that we can quote the clean for you pending an update as to when you need us to book it in for you
Unexpected/ Unattended - This is where death is sudden and unexpected. With this scenario you may not have time for a quote but rather you may simply need to book us in with our emergency response service.
Clean Complications
Complications of the clean can affect how long it will take and the solutions required to make it happen to an exceptional standard some of these include:
Drug dens
Violent death (such as murder or suicide - also called crime scene cleans)
Unattended death (where body may have been left for several months),
Area to sanitise (room or large house)
Depth of contamination (fluid through carpets into floor boards)
Hoarder cleans (where heavy gross filth may have built up)
House clearance (family may wish to take what they want to keep, and us to dispose of the remaining - then commence cleaning)
Heavy nicotine extraction (chain smokers)
If possible then, we prefer to visit the property and then provide a quote for you in writing.
After the clean we then provide you with a treatment report which can be used to show new home owners that the property is safe for them detailing the solutions used and which areas. This is very popular when selling a home, especially if the events have been in the media and people are aware of the properties past.
Sometimes you may be aware of a specialist cleaning need in a property and may call us before you have entered and viewing it. If this is the case please let us know and we will provide basic protective wear for you to protect you. This is free of charge for up to two people.
The best thing to do is give us a call and let us see how we can help you,
Thank you
Shropshire Expert Cleaners
07462 479 576